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Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc
This extension contains code hints (Tag Library) for HTML5 tags. It also updates the existing HTML4 library with new attributes and values. Code hinting for some CSS3.
The Netflix Tech Blog: HTML5 Video at Netflix
Feature Safari on iOS Android Browser Google Chrome Amazon Silk BlackBerry Browser Nokia Browser Internet Explorer Opera Mobile Opera mini Firefox
Apple. Safari - Learn about the features available in Safari.
Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registration required.
YouTube Blog: Introducing YouTube HTML5 Supported Videos
Look up HTML5, CSS3, etc features, know if they are ready for use, and if so find out how you should use them – with polyfills, fallbacks or as they are.
HTML5 Security Cheatsheet
Wijmo is a complete kit of over 40 UI widgets with everything from interactive menus to rich charts. If you know jQuery, you know Wijmo. Complete with documentation.
Mobile HTML5 - compatibility on iPhone, Android, Windows Phone.
JS WebSocket var socket = new WebSocket('ws://'); socket.onopen = function( event) { socket.send('Hello, WebSocket'); }; .
Embed Audio and Video in HTML 5 Pages | Webmonkey | .
What's my IP?, What's my browser?. CSS3. HTML5 Browser Testing, What's my IP Address?, What's my client's IP Address?
Video - Dive Into HTML5
Many modern websites show videos. HTML5 provides a standard for showing them.
Safari Developer Library
But support for the < video> element itself is really only a small part of the story. Before we can talk about HTML5 video, you first need to understand a little about.
HTML5 Presentation
This post will teach you how to build own custom HTML5 video controls using jQuery rather than using native browser HTML5 video controls.

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